Lincoln and Jenny - Missionary Associates to South Africa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Dr. Neil Visits

Today is Saturday and Dr. Neil comes every Saturday to check on the kids in the shelter. Jenny and I are on call this weekend. That means that if there are any problems at the shelter we are the first ones that the caregivers call. Since we are on call we are supposed to help Dr. Neil with whatever he needs, and just make sure that everything is o.k. He brought a whole car full of food from the local grocery store. It is stuff that expires today and they donate it for us to use. It was a lot of fun to watch Dr. Neil interact with the kids. He is so personable and fun with everyone. He takes a few minutes to play with each kid before he examines them. All of the kids love it when he comes. It was really cute to watch as the kids put on his stethoscope and listen to his heart beat. He'll pretend like they are the doctor. One of his favorites is Lewis. Everyone calls him Lu-Lu. Dr. Neil calls him Dr. Lu-Lu and Lewis just laughs. It's a real pleasure to watch how much they love him and how great of care he gives them. We are very grateful for all that he gives the kids here at the shelter. I'm sure that I'll write about Dr. Neil a lot in the future. He is a great guy who really sacrifices a lot to help others. He's a model of generosity and compassion for the rest of us mere mortals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you guys. Our prayers are with you.

4:23 AM


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