Easter Cookies
We had a very big Easter party here on Saturday, complete with 2 jumpy castles, a cookout, and a huge Easter egg hunt. Madison and Kyler had a lot fun, but I wanted to reinforce the true meaning of Easter. So, we made Resurrection cookies. For those of you who don't know what these are, you make meringue cookies, and tell a little bit of the Easter story with each ingredient. For example, we had to crush almonds with a wooden spoon and I read out of the Bible where Jesus was beaten, salt represented his followers’ tears as he was crucified etc. After mixing all of the ingredients, you place the cookies on the cookie sheet and put them in a warm oven over night. I talked about how Jesus’ followers were very sad to lay Jesus in the tomb, much like we may be sad to have to leave the cookies in the oven until morning. I read John 16:20 & 22 where Jesus tells his followers that they will weep, morn and grieve, but Jesus would see them again and they would have joy. So, trying to make sure my kids were understanding, I said "Jesus said that his followers were sad, like we may be sad to have to leave the cookies all night, but what did Jesus promise?" And Madison said in complete seriousness, "He promised that the cookies would bake over night." Lincoln and I laughed for about 3 minutes - Lincoln actually caught it on tape. I am glad to see that I have steered the kids away from the Easter bunny and eggs, to Jesus' promise of freshly baked cookies on Easter morning! (We talked to her again on Easter morning and she really does understand what Easter is about!)
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