Lincoln and Jenny - Missionary Associates to South Africa

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I learned a valuable lesson this week about sacrifice. This is Catherine. She helps out on the shelter property with housekeeping and doing the laundry for the kids in the shelter. She baby sits Madison and Kyler on Thursdays so that Jenny can go grocery shopping. She asked me to help deliver some concrete for her church. On the way we were talking and she told me that she had been saving up her money to buy this concrete for her church. She explained that they were in the middle of a building project and everyone was doing their part to buy the material for the church. She had put 5 bags of concrete on lay-a-way at a hardware store. She finally had enough money to pay it off and deliver it to her church. What is admirable about this is that as we talked she told me that her roof blew off of her house 3 months ago and she has been living in a shack next to her house. She told me that now that she had done her part for the church she could start saving her money to buy some new pieces of sheet metal to fix her roof.
Kind of makes you think, huh?
I think we’ll see what we can do to help her out.


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